Saturday, August 06, 2005

Heard on the radio

Usually, when bus number 151 gets to the south end of Lincoln Park(where I live), I turn off my pocket radio and start making my way to the nearest exit. Yesterevening, for some inexplicable reason, I did not do so; instead I just sat in my seat listening to NPR. Which turned out to be very fortunate as I learnt an important lesson in geography. I tell you they teach us all wrong geography in India. The hostess on NPR was talking of Robert Moore. (No I didn't know who he was either) He apparently has written a book on the Kursk disaster(yes, I did know what that was)called 'A Time to Die'. The hostess was talking to Moore about the unfortunate submarine stuck in the north Pacific. Moore compares it to Kursk and says how the Russians seem to have leant their lesson and this time they are being more transparent and asking for international help. He went on to say that the Russians have realised the superiority of Western technology and 'that's why invitations have gone out to the United States, Britain and Japan'. Yes, you heard it right. Japan.

Kipling has been proved wrong - the twain shall meet and it shall meet in Japan which we will now call the Far West.

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